When we recognize the true nature of mind, we see not only its empty essence, but also its quality of wakefulness, of lucid awareness that is fully and vividly present.

That awareness is the naturally abiding wisdom and compassion of the enlightened state. It is primordially present within the nature of mind.

It was not created in the past by a divine being or act; it is beginningless and endless, beyond concept and philosophy. It is the nature of our mind and of the universe.

Whatever state of mind we have, whatever thoughts or emotions we experience, all of these are in the nature of this wisdom.

The whole experience of the samsaric world is simply the expression, or play, of this all-pervasive and uninterrupted wisdom.

Fundamentally, there is nothing to fear; there is nothing that is not in the state of liberation.

All forms, sounds, thoughts and emotions are appearance-emptiness, like the moon’s reflection on water. In this utterly pure space, there is a sense of joy, freshness and total freedom, which naturally radiates outward. We accept and appreciate who we are and whatever arises in our experience. We are not bound by grasping at or rejecting appearances. Therefore, there is a state of genuine peace, of cessation of struggle.

The bardo of meditation refers to the meditative state of our mind. It begins whenever we are resting our mind in the present, the state of nowness, in a clear, aware and undistracted manner. It ends whenever we are distracted from that state. Therefore, the length of time we spend in this bardo is very individual; it depends on how long we are able to remain focused and relaxed, aware and at rest.

Source: Based on Ponlop, Dzogchen. Mind Beyond Death. Shambhala Publications. Kindle Edition.

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